Frequently Asked Questions


Q: Why invest in ROM_COIN?

ROM_COIN combines the growth potential in the logistics and travel industry with the innovation of blockchain technology to provide personalized services and a secure payment platform. Investors can solve problems such as exchange rate issues and commission payments, and seize opportunities in the global logistics and travel market.

Q: How does ROM_COIN provide personalized services?

It utilizes blockchain technology and AI to analyze individual travel habits and preferences, and provides customized logistics information and guidelines to provide a convenient and safe travel experience.

Q: How does ROM_COIN's investment return work?

ROM_COIN provides returns to investors through the activity node system. Activity nodes can receive RO_Mileage as a reward for their usage behavior over a period of time, and by utilizing blockchain and smart contracts, the reward is fair. In addition, the growth of the logistics distribution/tourism market and its use in the duty-free market are also expected, so future profitability is expected.

Q: What is ROM_COIN's global expansion strategy?

ROM_COIN aims to enter the global market and provide payment and logistics integration solutions that are used globally. We are building a global network based in Singapore and partnering with local markets in each country to provide payment services in various countries. We also plan to expand our overseas dropshipping services through our online romacket, and be active in the tax exemption and tax refund market to drive growth.